Banking on the future

The future will be defined by the choices we make today. But as we said last year, there are hints and signs that grow ever stronger to indicate the sort of world that lies ahead for the banking industry.

It is fairly certain that the age unfolding will have at its centre – the customer...without whom we will cease to be, the power of evolving technology, the eclecticism of the innovative mind and an empathetic heart keeping us always on point.

Your Bank is fully focussed on such a fact you could say we’re banking on it!


Chairman’s Statement

Chairman’s Statement

The Bank recorded an enhanced overall performance across all business lines and geographies, enabling us to report growth in excess of the industry averages in most of the indicators. This is all the more significant when viewed in the context of the conservative risk profile and prudent growth pursued by the Bank.

Having established ourselves as the leading private sector bank in Sri Lanka, overseas expansion is now one of our foremost strategies which will help us geographically diversify our risk profile.

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Managing Director’s Review

Managing Director’s Review

Our customers find safe haven in us because we remain true to our original ideals of being a banker first and foremost.

Where once our arena was limited to our shores it now encompasses the whole world. And yet the whole world now fits in the palm of a hand – often in the form of a mobile phone. Meeting the needs of our customers means competing with the latest technological innovations by smart start-ups and also the biggest brands in the consumer space. Are we prepared for this challenge? We certainly are.

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